Tuesday, 12 October 2010

10-10-10! Ten-Ten-Ten!

I woke up early today to attend Aunty Wei Ting's tea ceremony! We thought we were late when we arrived in the house at 1000hrs when we were suppose to arrive at 0830hrs. Luckily the groom arrived late and they were still trying to get through the bridesmaid gates. The ceremoney started at 1100hrs and it was done within 30mins.

Went for lunch with granny and granpa before going home to rest before attending Aunty Wei Ting second wedding dinner at Overseas Restaurant in Petaling Jaya.

Lunch : Pork Ball Noodle
Dinner : Aunty Wei Ting Wedding Dinner @ Overseas Restaurant, Armada PJ

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.  

Today's Movie -

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