Friday, 26 June 2009

Narathiwat : Safe?

Finally Auntie Por wedding "luncheon" has been confirm on Aug 2nd, 2009 which will be held at currently Thailand's most dangerous town, Narathiwat (เมืองนราธิวาส). Since daddy would not want to drive into Narathiwat considering the amount of bombing happening in the past few months, we have decided to take the public transport there. At the beginning mommy thought of driving to Hat Yai and taking another bus or van to Narathiwat but that would take a longer time so daddy suggested to fly to Kota Bahru and take a taxi into Narathiwat from Rantau Panjang/Su-ngai Kolok border. Anyway Auntie Por told mommy that she can pick us up from the Tak Bai border which is located about 40km from Narathiwat town. Since I have not gone on a proper train trip other than my first train ride in Peru, this would be a great experience for me, 13 hours from Kajang to Tumpat (last KTM station on the east coast).

If everything are smooth, the trip would start on June 30th, 2009 from Kajang KTM station and arriving the next day at 1000hrs (13 hours train ride) in Tumpat KTM Station on a private 2 bunk cabin, RM98.00 (top) and RM107.00 (lower) bunk. From the train station, it is an 8km taxi ride to the border, Pengkalan Kubur before taking a ferry across the river into Thailand, Tak Bai town which Auntie Por suppose to pick us up.

For the return trip, daddy decided to fly instead since the airfare from Kota Bahru back to Kuala Lumpur isn't very expensive as well. Initially we were daddy wanted to fly on Air Asia but the airfare increased after they initiated the zero admin fee which turned out to be only RM9 difference when we include the food and 15kg luggage check-in.

Mommy also discovered a new pasta sauce which is easily prepare for me, Prego's in can by Campbell but I would need to have it for both lunch and dinner.

Lunch : Fried French Beans with Pumpkin and Mushrooms
Dinner : Fried French Beans with Pumpkin and Mushrooms

No photo were taken today

Today's Movie - Bolt

The "King Of Pop - Michael Jackson" died today, at 50 years of age with a cardiac arrest.

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