Thursday, 22 December 2011


Wow! I have not been actively writing in this blog lately until yesterday when Uncle Chang came over and talk to us about blogging. Well for me, writing this blog was more of a diary experience of how I grow up so at least when I am all grown up, I could read back what I did when I was young! Anyway that is not the point here. Uncle Chang came over and talk to us about making money! and daddy was like "HOW?, we are not doing this to make money but to let Aeryn see what she did when she was young"

Then today, being curious of what Uncle Chang said yesterday, I login and check the details on this blog and to my surprise there are actually you, aunties and uncles leaving comments on my older post? Wow! since I never checked the old post and I do not check my emails either! Guess I would need to be check my emails now more frequently.

Anyway thank you very much for all the comment posted and will try to read them all tonight and delete all the unwanted comments.

Lunch : Steam White Tofu with Garlic
Dinner : Wan Ton Noodle

Some photos taken in my last trip to Singapore to attend my cousin's wedding as well as Aunty's Aey Birthday,

Today's Movie -Barbie

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