Saturday, 31 December 2011

Great Granny's Wake - First Day

We left home around 1100hrs this morning for Ipoh for Great Granny's wake. Great Granny arrived home from Hospital after being kept in the hospital cold room. Anyway we arrived in Ipoh just after 1400hrs. Initially daddy wanted to check into De Hotel in Ipoh Garden but unfortunately, it was fully booked so we ended up in Fair Park Hotel which is located just outside Great Granny's house and where the wake is being held.

We got to Great Granny's house around 1700hrs together with Tai Ku Poh, Yee Ku Poh and Aunty Cyn Cyn since we checked into the same hotel. Everyone has arrived and we were the last to arrive today actually, I met Sam Ku Poh, Sei Ku Poh with Grand Uncle TK, Mm Ku Poh with Grand Uncle Philip, Sei Sook Gong and Sei Kam Poh as well as Uncle I-Hui with Uncle Jeremy. Everyone were earing red, which was suppose to be a no-no in a chinese wake but because Great Granny was over 90 years old, we all family members were told to wear red to celebrate Great Granny's good life. Did some prayers which I refused to follow but instead running around the house.

More prayers and more relative will be arriving tomorrow from Kuala Lumpur while Uncle I-Hui will be going back to Singapore before heading to Lijiang to help out in Uncle I-Shin's hotel, Bivou Lijiang.

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Lunch : Fish Ball Noodle @ Nam Chau (not that good anymore and price is RM4.00)
Dinner : Noodle with Mushroom Sauce at Great Granny's home and Chicken Kuay Tiaw Soup at Lou Wong

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.  

Today's Movie -

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