Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Disney Playhouse Time

It was a great day in school today, it was kinda surprise when teacher drove me to another school to join another group of kids being entertained by Disney Playhouse! Actually mommy nor daddy was informed about this until when daddy picked me up from school today, Miss Ng (my teacher) told daddy that I participated in a dance and got myself a mickey mouse plastic hat! Not bad isn't it. Wonder if am going to be appear in Disney Playhouse channel? Doubt so :)

Slept for a while at home and did my usual things and waited for daddy to come home before I fell asleep at 2330hrs. Hope I can wake up tomorrow to go to school since I woke up early today without any problem.

Lunch : Bitter Gourd Soup and Pork Ribs with White Rice
Dinner : Bitter Gourd Soup and Pork Ribs with White Rice

No photo were taken today.

Today's Movie -

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