Monday, 14 May 2007

Auntie Cyn Cyn Visits Me

Finally Auntie Cyn Cyn (or in cantonese will be "Piu Ku Mar") visited me today after telling my dad she wanted to come over to visit me. So today she came with "Tai Ku Por" and "Yee Ku Por" with Auntie Nancy. Today also daddy's 'Sei Kim' visited me with Uncle Chee Keong, Auntie Karen cousin Bruce and Auntie Ting Ting. Auntie Karen also told mommy that there is a special cream which might help my face rash as well. Will check it out.

Also got a present from Auntie Karen as well as Auntie Cyn Cyn, but unfortunately mommy opened the box.

Some photos taken today,

Click here for more photos.

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