Heartburn Myth
- The baby should have a lot of hair
Umblical Cord Movement
- If the mother move her hand above the head, she might choke the baby
Curse Myth
- Someone denies pregnant woman food, they will get a sty in his or her eye.
Heart Rate Myth
- Fast heart beat - a girl/Slow heart beat - a boy (a medical research was done but wasn't significant enough to predict the sex of the baby)
Ugly Stick Myth
- Pregnant woman sees something ugly or horrible, they will have ugly baby
Java Myth
- Baby with birth mark (light brown in colour), means the mother had too much coffee during her pregnancy.
Cuisine Myth
- Spicy food could induce labor
Sex Myth
- Induce labor by having sex?
Face Myth
- Pregnant woman gain weight inface - a girl / pregnant woman gain weight in butt - a boy
Fullmoon Myth
- More women goes into labor during fullmoon
Pregnant Tummy Myth
- Rounded belly - a girl / sharp pointy - a boy
Do you believe the myth above, but one thing for sure daddy did not believe in any of it. Some photos taken today,
Click here for more photos.
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