Saturday, 1 January 2011

First Day Of 2011!

The first day of 2011!

Got up with a bad mood, kept asking daddy to change my diapers!

We drove out for lunch at a beed noodle shop and i refused to eat. Then we went to HomePro since daddy wanted to enquire about some wood flooring product for the house, which is now starting to warp. Mommy got me some fish ball and sticky rice for lunch since I did not have anything for lunch just now.

Got home and had my afternoon nap while mommy went out to get some stuff for Aunty Ou. Then we went out for mommy and daddy's anniversary dinner at Novotel Hotel, Hat Yai, with grandpa, grandma, Aunty Kwan, Uncle Or, Aunty Kat and her boyfriend. Had a wonderful time running around and singing on stage.

Wonder what is the plan going to be tomorrow!

Lunch : Fish Ball And Sticky Rice
Dinner : Fried Chicken Wings and Tempura Prawns @ Novotel, Hat Yai

Some photos taken today,

Today's Movie -

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