Thursday 20 January 2011

Hat Yai!

The was really quick! I got to the border cafe around 0400hrs and was waiting at the border around 0445hrs. We left Plaza Rakyat Terminal at 2230hrs, which took only 5 and half hours to get to the border! Amazing isn't it. The border crossing was smooth and I arrived in at home just after 0900hrs (Thai Time).

Then mommy took me to the temple to see mommy's aunty (Sam Ku Por) who passed away after being knocked down by a motorcycle. It was very sad as I just met her a few weeks ago when I was in Hat Yai. Sam Ku Por will be burried tomorrow in the evening. In the evening Granny took me to buy a helmet since it will be safer to ride a bike with a helmet on.

Below in the photo is Peng Peng, a cousin of mind. Can you see us staring at each other after a fight? 

Some photos taken today

Today's Movie -

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