Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Doctor Again

My stool is still green with little mucus and a few spot of blood but it was much better than yesterday. Later after that in the morning Dr. Khoo called daddy in his office asking about my condition and daddy told him about the stool yesterday and today so Doctor Khoo ask daddy to bring me to see him today at Brittania.

Dr. Khoo keep asking daddy and mommy if I am active at home, any fever, is the tummy bloated any signs of me in pain or otherwise. The problem is I look normal, I am just as active as before what happen, no fever, tummy is soft and do not seems to have any signs of problem tummy and I don't cry for no reason. I guess daddy and mommy will just have monitor me for another few days before sending my stool for a lab test.

I am given another 2 days of Smecta powder and Prolactor, a probiotic bacteria cultures which consist beneficial yeast or bacteria to re-establish gut flora.

Some photos taken today, it is quite amazing how mommy take some of the photos below herself.

Click here for slideshow.

Today's Movie - Jump In!

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