Saturday, 14 February 2009

A Day In Kanchanaburi

I got up quite early this morning since daddy and mommy was already up by then since the aircon in the room was so cold.

We went to great granny shop in the morning and walk around the nearby market. We stayed around the house most of the time since mommy wanted to spend some time at home. Mommy cousin, Kolf, came by with his new wife and baby, Khet, who is only turning 3 months in a few days time. Guess when I come here the next time, we should be running arounf together. I even tried to carry her while she was sleeping!

Before going for dinner, I went to a temple along River Kwai to feed some fish with Auntie Peng and Uncle Khla. Fun Fun Fun!

Later in the night we went for dinner at Klua Anong at Nong Khao which is about 15km from downtown Kanchanaburi. Click here for location of the restaurant. Daddy rate this restaurant 6 out of 10, because of the tom yum.

Lunch : Fried Yellow Noodle and Soup with White Rice
Dinner : Mixed Vegetables, Fried Egg and Toufu with White Rice @ Klua Anong, Nong Khao

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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