Wednesday, 24 December 2008

A Post From Daddy

Hi Everyone!

It’s been another year of fun and excitement! Though second half of the year has been a little of a roller coaster ride for me.

Well over the past year, my precious has grown from a baby to a little princess now. She has learn to from crawling to walking sometime in June, feeding herself (more like playing and imitating), calling (papa, mommy (mostly Un), yeh yeh, mah mah, Toon, Por Por, Che Che), screaming when dislike something, and now refusing to take her bath (started only yesterday), but its great watching her growing up and soon you might be reading that she started attending school. It was just like yesterday on the day she was born, could still remember every moment of it, almost like having a heart attack!

As for Un, she is still a fulltime housewife since she is still unable to work “legally” as her visa does not permits her to work for another 2 years. But she has been helping me in some online sales which we have been doing over the past few months. It has been interesting but not a fixed income, but extremely satisfying.

For me, still with EQ Music, nothing has been changed much except the sales has not been too good lately but still maintaining. People has been telling me that next year will be worst so I just have to wait and see what happen and pray for the best.

Since 2007 we did not do much travelling after Aeryn was born, too young to travel, this year we (the three of us) did a big trip, we flew to South America, as I missed Machu Picchu on my last trip there, and I had to do it this time. I got the tickets from Malaysian Airlines, during the promotion which was about 60% of the normal price and Aeryn’s fare was less than RM400 return. But anyway she was too young to remember anything when she grows up. But it was an experience taking a 1 year old backpacking! The other trips we did was to Thailand and Laos.

Next year, will be a slow year for me. My maid will be going back mid Jan and I am not sure she will be coming back to work for us or not. Guess we would need to be prepare for the worst. No new car, no big travel plans, no big exciting stuff, just lay low and chill.

Thank you everyone who helped me, and for those I did not kept in touch, I am sorry. I wanted to but somehow, but somehow I lost my way J I hope to see you next year. For my diving buddies, I know I have been bad, but at least I did not play your back, I did not take a single compress air in my lungs this year! Not sure about next year, do you know what is the age when a kid can go diving? Probably that’s when I will have air bubbles running in my veins again J


Loen, Un and Aeryn

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