Saturday, 6 December 2008

Swimming Or Not!

I was suppose to have a good time swimming today but unfortunately after mommy changed me, it first started to drizzle and then within seconds it poured. You can actually see the rain coming toward the my direction, and the lifeguard around the pool started to blow to whistle, asking everyone to evacuate the pool, probably because of lightning. Since I could not swim, daddy asked me where shall we go, and I answed quickly "SHOPPING".

I arrived around 1700hrs and daddy went directly to Wendy's since daddy has been craving for it since since the last time we were here a few weeks ago. As we did not finish walking the last time, we manage to cover where we did not past and actually it is not that interesting as daddy as thought, but Wearhouse is now open in a new location, if you are looking for branded rejects.

Later we had our dinner at Esquire Kitchen, 4 dish and a soup for RM58.00++. Rating 4/10.

Video taken while I was on the Merry Go Round in Sunway Pyramid. Video taken from Nokia 5320 mobile phone. (note : video taken sideway)

Lunch : Steam Fish with White Rice
Dinner : Toufu, Long Beans with White Rice @ Esquire Kitchen

No photo were taken today.

Today's Movie - Taken

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