Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Stage 3 Nipple

Mommy today finally changed the milk bottle nipple to stage 3 and miraculously I could finish the milk so much faster. I could have been so lazy sucking the milk using the stage 2 nipple. I could finish all the whole bottle of milk without much problem.

Today daddy also got a message from daddy's friend, Roger, that her daughter, Sara, who is a few days older than I am, is 9.5kg which is about 2.5kg heavier than I am. Its incredible. I am not sure if I am not being fed enough now. But its okay since I am still within the growth graph.

Tomorrow is Deepavali or also known as Divali, celebrated by the hindus as the festival of lights and it will be a public holiday. Not sure where daddy will bring me to tomorrow.

Some photos taken today

Click here for slideshow.

Today's Movie - Desperate Housewives Season 4 Epi 6

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