Friday, 20 June 2008

A Day In La Paz

Daddy got up early since daddy had to check the airticket from La Paz to Rio deJaneiro since daddy hope to arrive in Rio tomorrow. There was a few optionflying there, but all flights will have to go via Santa Cruz (VVI) Airport,
1) Santa Cruz - Ascunsion (Paraguay) - Sao Paulo - Rio
2) Santa Cruz - Ascunsion (Paraguay) - Ciudad del Este = Foz do Iguacu - Rio
3) Santa Cruz - Buenos Aires - Rio

For flight 1 and 2, the earlier available would be on Monday, June 23 so daddydecided to fly with Aerolineas with a night stopever in Buenos Aires. I will beable to arrive at Rio de Janeiro on June 22 morning.

After getting the airticket sorted, daddy took the walking tour suggested in theguidebook, it was uphill, downhill but most of it were walking pass through the city commercial area, reminding daddy of Bangkok's Chinatown (Yaowarat). It tookus about 3 hours to finish the walk, including a little shopping and snack at Copacabana Fried Chicken. It ended at Plaza Murillo, where the Presidencial Palace and Congress Building is located.

Tomorrow I will be in Buenos Aires again.

Lunch :
Dinner :

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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