Thursday, 19 June 2008

Into Bolivia

(sunset at Copacabana, Bolivia)

Daddy thought that going into Bolivia would be hassle free, but it turn out to bequite difficult since they needed a confirm return ticket, hotel confirmedreservation inside Bolivia, Yellow Fever Vaccination Card, photos, and photocopypassport. We could have been able to get the visa within minutes if we had submitted all the documents but it took us more than 4 hours before we got our visa.

We arrived at the consulate at 0930hrs with photos and passport and did not have any others since an agent told us not to worry as it would be able to settle it. So we trusted him but we were told to come back with an hotel confirmation and the yellow fever card. We then took taxi to the city hospital to get a vaccination which was not difficult and fast, which only cost 3 Soles per person instead of RM300 to get one in Malaysia.

Anyway, we only manage to get our visa stamped around 1330hrs and had to rushed tothe bus station since the departure was at 1430hrs on Trans Titicaca. The first half of the bus ride was interesting since daddy got a seat for me after the experience I had on the Cusco to Puno bus ride. We arrived at the Peruvian CIQ at 1700hrs andcleared the Bolivian CIQ by 1845hrs (Bolivian Time - One Hour Ahead) which was located 150m apart. Second half of the bus ride was quite tricky since we had tochanged into a smaller provincial bus in Copacabana with all our luggages beingstuff on the roof of the bus. It was a horrible ride, going up to almost 14,000ft in a cramp bus. Daddy almost fainted when he was sandwiched between two Andean woman smells of "garlic, onions and chilli".

Half way to La Paz, we were all told to get off the bus and go onto a boat to crossthe Titicaca lake which cost another 3 Bolivianos (Bs) per person. It was almostlike forcing everyone to get off and go on the boat. The bus was suppose to arrivedat 2100hrs but it did not arrive until 2200hrs. The whole journey took about 7hours. I would not suggest anyone taking the Trans Titicaca eventhough if you are travelling with a child.

Check into Sagarnaga Hotel, by 2230hrs. Tomorrow daddy would have to check theairticket from La Paz to Rio de Janeiro.

Lunch :
Dinner :

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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