Thursday, 11 October 2007


Today I got my first taste of Gerber Stage 1 Pear Flavor, which tasted really good and I could not have enough of it. When mommy thought of giving it to me to try, I cry immediately when mommy stop feeding me, and then when I finish half a bottle, mommy stop feeding me, I cried again, refusing to drink milk. Then mommy thought just let me finish up the whole bottle, but again I cried after I finished it and I refuse to drink the milk as well. But I finally gave in after 30mins, finish another bottle of milk.

Now daddy is wondering if we should make a trip to Amari Trang for a night since the room is so much cheaper than last year. Mommy and daddy has been going to Amari yearly since they met. The promo price previously was 2500bt (RM250.00) per night for superior and the special internet price would be USD75 (2625bt / RM262.50) but now they are having a promotion for superior only going for USD46 (1610bt / RM161.00). Normal published price is USD255 (8925bt / RM892.50).

But daddy did not get the water filter yet, lets wait and see when he will actually go get the water filter.

Some photos taken today

Click here for slideshow.

Today's Movie - Desperate Housewive Season 4 Episode 2

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