Monday, 15 October 2007

Mermaid In Songkhla

Early this morning daddy took mommy and me to Songkhla to renew mommy's passport which is going to expire in 7 months. When mommy got her number she was more than 100 people away, so we decided to go for breakfast first and return later. Anyway after breakfast mommy there were still another 30 people before mommy's number. Then it was nightmare for daddy as I started crying immediately after mommy left the car. Mommy will have to wait for a couple of days before they send the passport to mommy's house. So daddy is not sure if he is going to drive back tomorrow or stay on, but anyway he need to get to the border tomorrow to renew his car road tax.

Daddy took me for a drive around Songkhla beach and to see the famous bronze mermaid located at Samila Beach.

Mommy also visited Untie Ae who just had a baby, my cousin, named Mark.

Some photos taken today

Click here for slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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