Thursday, 4 October 2007

More Milk After Porridge?

In the afternoon mommy called daddy and ask him to check with Great Auntie Putih to see if mommy still need to feed me with milk since I could finish the whole packet of porridge but daddy was telling mommy it will be difficult to ask because every person consumption is different and it would be hard if mommy need to feed me with additional a few ounce of milk.

Anyway when mommy called Auntie Wyeth, it did not really help as they were actually more concern on which milk powder that I am taking now. Guess they are not too useful anyway unless it has something to do with their product. Anyway mommy fed me another 5 1/2 oz of milk after the porridge.

Guess when you are born in the year of a pig, you sleep like a pig and even eat like a pig.

Some photos taken today,

Click here for slideshow.

Video taken of me with Great Auntie Lui Yun

Today's Movie - Autumm In My Heart (가을동화)

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