Friday 14 March 2008

An Evening Stroll

Today mommy and auntie Aey took me out to out for a stroll in the garden with Ser Kai and Auntie Jin as well. Daddy wanted mommy to try the carrier but instead mommy took the stroller out. Earlier, I went over with mommy and Auntie Aey to Auntie Jin and Ser Kai house since they had som tum for mommy again. Do know know why they love the som tum so much.

As for mommy, she is still busy doing the photobook for my first year birthday. Daddy is not sure what to do since daddy had spent quite a bit for our coming South America trip, but he is considering of having 'brunch' at The Mills at Grand Millennium Hotel.

Where is my present Auntie Aey?

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So cute. what happen to your hair? Is it too windy?