Saturday, 22 March 2008

My Second Trip To Malacca

This is my second trip to Malacca since my last on August 25th, 2008.

Initially daddy planned to take us, mommy with Auntie Aey to Malacca Night Zoo and Ayer Keroh Forest Reserve but instead we only manage to have all daddy's favourite dishes, Chicken Ball Rice, Cendol and 'Satay Celup', since it rained from the time we arrive at 1300hrs until we left at around 1900hrs. Actually daddy wanted to show Auntie Aey around Malacca but instead only manage to show her Dataran Pahlawan, St. John's Fort, Portuguese Settlement and driving past Stadhuys Building.

Anyway it was not such a bad trip since daddy manage to meet up with Uncle Khee Wai and Auntie Jac since the past few times daddy and mommy drove to Malacca was unable to meet up with them.

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie - Krung Thep Ratree (กรุงเทพราตรี) - Bangkok At Night

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