Wednesday, 26 March 2008

A Slight Fever

I must have been moving around too much yesterday that I am down with a mild fever. Mommy started to realise that I was a little feverish when I went over to Ser Kai's house to pluck some mangoes in the afternoon and Auntie Sook Cheng said that I am very "hot". Later mommy called daddy if he could come home to take me to see a doctor but daddy was busy attending another meeting at that time and told mommy that daddy will be back before 2100hrs to take me to the doctor.

It was just before 2030hrs when daddy picked me, mommy and Auntie Aey to see Dr. Wong but by the time we finish it was around 2130hrs. It was a very long wait and daddy wanted to buy the fever medicine over the counter since there were too many people waiting but the nurses didn't allow so we had to wait for my turn.

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie - I Am Legend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How are you getting on now baby? How is your fever? subside already or not? Do continue to drink more water yar. Take good care.