Saturday, 1 March 2008

Funny Boy!

This morning daddy was so eager to take us out for breakfast since he found his favourite curry noodle, Uncle Tong, stall a few days back and daddy also wanted to try the back road from the SILK Highway into Damai Perdana.

Then daddy drove us to Pavillion since daddy had a meeting in C Club for his artist's media listening session. As for me, with Mommy and Toon, we walked around and mommy bought a new hairclip for me before headed for dinner in mommy's favourite Korean Restaurant Kung Jung.

Finally daddy also manage to find the Lonely Planet - South America On A Shoestring from Times. Guess daddy and now all gear up for the trip to South America. But before that I hope daddy is able to plan and book the hotel for Macau and Shenzhen next month.

Some photos taken today, see the boy in blue seated next to me, I have not idea who he is as he sat down when mommy was trying to take photos of me, see "how I was trying to push him away!"

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the boy is such a cutie. So he is your new friend now.