Sunday 20 December 2009

Eighteen Day Renovation

It's an off day today for the workers. Nothing was done.

Mommy made appointment to meet up with Aunty Ou today for somtum at a Phad Thai Restaurant in Taipan USJ (click here for Star Metro review). We arrived at Aunty Ou house just afternoon noon and proceeded to the restaurant with Uncle Raymond leading the way. It was our fist time going to this restaurant. The taste is quite alright except mommy dessert "Sticky rice with mango" taste is not so good and price is too expensive for a very little amount of sticky rice and few pieces of mango.

After we finished our lunch, mommy and Aunty Ou suggested to go to do some shopping at Sunway Pyramid. Aunty Ou wanted to buy some clothes as mommy wanted to buy some Christmas present. There was also a small make-shift theme park erected recently and I was waiting to ride on it. I got to ride the carousel, car on track, and the airplane. It was a great fun. While I was enjoying my rides, mommy, Aunty Ou and Uncle Raymond was waiting for me and daddy at Krispy Kreme, which is suppose to be good but it was just as bad as Dunkin' Donuts. Aunty Ou and Uncle Raymond left first since Baby Emalie needed her afternoon nap.

We stayed on since we had to get some Christmas present as we will be driving up to Penang and celebrate Christmas with Grand Aunty Pearl, Grand Uncle Andy, Uncle David, Uncle Charles and his girlfriend.

Lunch : Fried egg, fried vegetable with white rice.
Dinner : Fried tofu and chicken with ginger sauce.

Some photos taken today,

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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