Friday, 25 December 2009

Twenty Third Day Renovation / Penang Second Day

It's Christmas Day! Ho Ho Ho......

We woke up pretty early since Grand Uncle Andy and Grand Aunty Pearl had to attend a church function! Grand Uncle Andy has been confirmed to be a member of the church or something. Anyway we drove out around noon since daddy suggested to dive at the Langkawi Coral. We drove to their office located at Tanjung Bungah only to realise they had two different pricing for local (MyKad holder) and tourist! When daddy called earlier they quoted daddy RM280 for 2 dive plus transfer but when we got there, the price became RM380 since Uncle David is a foreigner. So daddy decided not to commit since we might get better price in the town. We then drove for the first Char Koay Teow, Sisters Char Koay Teow, which Aunty Selina and mommy prefer, then to Lorong Selamat for the other Char Koay Teow, which daddy and Uncle Charles prefer. Uncle David wasn't keen since all he wanted was the curry noodle! Below are what we had
1) 3 Plates - Char Koay Teow (plus another 2 from Sister total 5 plates + 1 Yam cake)
2) 3 Bowls - Penang Hokkien Mee (Prawn Noodle)
3) 2 Bowls - Assam Laksa
4) 1 Plate - Rojak
5) 1 Bowl - Prawn Noodle

We then drove to Fort Cornwallis since there are a few travel agent there might be able to help us getting to Pulau Payar Marine Park which was much cheaper but daddy thought it would be more fun to have buffet lunch on the platform. So we decided to drive back to the office to make the booking. On the way to the office, we stopped for the famous Penang Road Cendol, the amount of people waiting for a bowl of the cendol was even more than the Malacca Jonker Street cendol stall! Incredible.

Since we need to be back by 1700hrs, we drove to the Langkawi Coral again to make reservation but this time they did not allow Uncle David on the fun dive since Uncle David could not produce a valid BSAC diving log and daddy forgot to bring along the contact lense to daddy could not go as well since we will not have enough time to buy anywhere. So we decided to go for the dive but instead some water sport by the beach since mommy wanted to go on the para-gliding again.

The drive back from Tanjung Bungah took almost 45mins since there was a head on collision just after Mar Vista Apartment, only one lane was open. We thought we will not get back in time for dinner but we manage to reach the apartment just before 1800hrs, only to find out that daddy's rear tyre got a puncture! We then left the house around 1830hrs for dinner at Penang Swimming Club, which was located at Tanjung Bungah, and we had to drive past the traffic jam again, luckily by the time we were reaching Miami beach, the traffic got better and we arrived just before 1900hrs.

After dinner we drove back home and it was time to open my presents! I got 4 presents,
1) A Christmas Teddy Bear from Uncle David
2) A Mickey House Club House fromUncle Charles and Aunty Selina
3) Play Dough from Grand AuntyPearl and Grand Uncle Andy
4) A Doll With Bed and Carrier from Daddy and Mommy

Lunch : Fish Ball Noodle and Char Koay Teow
Dinner : Turkey, Fried Rice and Broccoli

Some photos taken today,

Below photos are taken from Uncle Charles's Camera, click here for more.

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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