Thursday, 9 August 2007

I Am Getting Flu

I think finally I got the flu since daddy got it about 2 weeks ago, then mom after day recovered and now since mom is recovered, its my turn. I got worst today when I started having running nose this morning. I guess this is my first flu since I was born almost 4 months ago.

Anyway today is my scheduled visit to Dr. Khoo for my 4th month check-up. The first question asked by Dr. Khoo was, how is my stool? And daddy answered so far so good but yesterday there were little blood and the stool colour was green but it was only for once. Then when it comes to measurement, I did not put on much weight, been losing and gaining a little? Anyway, following is my latest measurement taken today,

Lenght - 62cm
Weight - 5.66kg
HC - 40.2cm
Compare my previous records here and Dr. Khoo did mention that he has another patient who had a similar weight problem but it turn out fine after a few months

Today I was suppose to receive my forth month injection but because I am currently having a flu, Doctor Khoo told me to visit him again on August 12, 2007. Below are the medication given today,
1) running nose syrup
2) DermaVeen - Bath Treatment for body rashes

Dr. Khoo was also quite concern with the colour of my face as I am actually very fair so daddy asked him if I am alright which then he answered that I am fine since the skin beneath my eye lid are reddish.

No photos were taken today.

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