Wednesday, 12 December 2007

I am 8 Months Old

Today I am 8 months old and not growing as how mommy and daddy wish I would. The amount of milk which I am drinking is sufficient from what the doctor says but I am not gaining much weight. Will make a visit to Dr. Khoo in 2 weeks time just before my trip to Bangkok to celebrate my first New Year.

Anyway today we already made appointment to have dinner with Yee Ku Por at Auntie Cyn Cyn working restaurant in Pavillion, but because we were told that the food there isn't very good so we decided to have it at Crystal Palm in Jalan Ipoh instead. Maybe will try their dim sum the next time as some good reviews was given to the dim sum.

This morning when mommy woke up she notice that I got bitten by mosquito at a few places and the worst bitten is my ear which turn red and swollen. Not sure how long it will take to recover this time. Daddy will never buy anything with Mortein brand, Shieldtox rules even they come from the same company.

Some photos taken today with some of me "updating" this blog,

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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