Thursday, 20 December 2007

My First Visit To Pavilion

Me and daddy did not wake up today until around noon. It was such a lazy day since it was a public holiday (Hari Raya Haji / Aidiladha / Eid-Ul-Adha) and daddy wasn't working. Daddy wanted to drive to pick up a cheque after lunch but decided not to when mommy told daddy that I need to have my milk at 1500hrs. So instead, daddy drove back home and let me have my milk before leaving at 1730hrs to pick up the cheque, unfortunately, when daddy got there around 1815hrs, it was already closed. After that daddy drove to Pavilion since none of us has been there before and mommy really wanted to have a look at this new mall.

Mommy wanted to get me a jacket from Pumpkin Patch since we might be going down under next year to visit Uncle David but there were no size left suitable for me. Most of the cloths were going for 50% discount, a real bargain for next year's clothing. This is a very big mall and we did not manage to cover all the area. There is this restaurant which daddy would really like to try the next time when he is there, Angus House (serve Japanese Charcoal wagyu beef steak), am sure we will be coming here again very soon. Just after we left Pavilion, daddy drove to meet up with Uncle Sum Hor at Asian Heritage Row collect a present for me, a cute Tweety Bird gold pendant.

Because daddy did not really planned to visit Pavilion so he did not bother to bring along the camera today.

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie - Balls Of Fury

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