Friday, 7 December 2007

Oh Friday!

I am still having the wheezing problem and daddy is quite concern about it as it could be some problem with my lungs or troat. Daddy will take me to visit a doctor tomorrow and see what is the cause of the wheeze.

Anyway today I finish two bowls of porridge without any problem, normally it would be around 30-45mins for a bowl but today it took less than 10mins to finish one. Even faster than grandpa going to the toilet.

Anyway the hotel that made the booking in Singapore has not been confirm as they have yet to email the details over so I am not sure if the trip to Singapore is confirm. Will have to wait and see what happens.

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie - Desperate Housewives Season 4 Epi 9

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