Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Daddy's Office

Today daddy's company had his company's Chinese New Year dinner so me and mommy could go as well. Daddy drove us to his office just after lunch and we stayed in daddy's office until 1900hrs before leaving for dinner.

Since Uncle Calvin and Uncle Stephen wanted to try something different this year, we had "Poon Choi" and "Yee Sang" instead of the normal chinese set course. But it turn out that it wasn't very good since it was it was cooked in one pot and tasted the same for everything, just like grandpa's favourite "Yat Wok Sook" rice. Daddy forgot to bring along the camera again. It would have been interesting to take a photo of this meal which cost RM68.00++ per person.

Mommy also had a bad headache the whole afternoon in daddy's office. I think she could have been in pain but daddy thought it was a normal headache since mommy looks okay. But on the way back, mommy vomited all the way home and continue at home which was actually quite bad. Could it be diarrhoea?

Today's Movie -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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