Tuesday, 1 January 2008

A Ride To Kanchanaburi

This would be my second trip to Kanchanaburi but the first time for grandpa and grandma. Before we left the hotel, Auntie Muay and her husband came over to visit us. They bought me a nice little gold buddha pendant to keep me save and healthy.

We left the hotel around noon after having my porridge and took 2 taxi with Aunty Aey to Royal Hotel at Sanam Luang before boarding the van(1300bt - whole van) for Kanchanaburi. It was a pleasant ride and took us only just slightly more than 2 hours as we stopped for lunch on the way there. We got to Kanchanaburi around 1700hrs and went straight to check into Ploy Guesthouse.

Later after that Great Uncle Ser Koo come over to picked all of us for dinner in a new restaurant since daddy's favourite restaurant was fully booked. It was a nice restaurant but the food isn't so great and it was very priced for Kanchanaburi standard as well. Anyway it was a nice family gathering along River Kwai.

After dinner, we went to Great Granny's shop a while before going back to the hotel.

Some photos taken today,

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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