Monday, 4 February 2008

3 Days To Chinese New Year

This is my first post from a Mac since daddy got this computer a few days ago. Daddy is still trying to learn how to actually use the function as it defer from XP or Vista. One of the reason for daddy to get this mac was the experience he had with Vista was so bad that he is trying to learn and change to a Mac instead. But doing this blog here would be much easier to have it done in a PC instea.

Anyway, its going to be Chinese New Year, and this would be my first year collecting Ang Pow from all the Uncles and Aunties. I wonder what would my collection be since I actually started to collect it last year when I was still in mommy's womb. Anyway this year it would be slightly different as I would be collecting it physically.

Today mommy also started feeding me porridge in the new high chair we got from Ikea. It is definitely a good buy.

Some photos taken today,

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

morning baby. How are u this morning. Did you have enuf sleep? so you are well prepared to get the first angpow for this year CNY.. Going anywhere for holidays? as for me i will be flying back to K.Lumpur only the 3rd day as all the ticket has been fully booked.. do continue to drop by auntie's blog yar... dunoe why when I see your pix i just feel like saying hello to are such a cutie.