Saturday, 17 May 2008

A New Haircut

It is a boring saturday as I stayed at home the whole day. I thought today daddy will take me swimming but because mommy was to tired and sleepy, the planned was canceled. Mommy initially thought of going shopping instead of swimming but daddy wasn't keen in shopping so everyone stayed at home instead.

I also got a new haircut today while I was taking my bath. Mommy has been telling daddy that I needed to trim my hair but daddy never agreed to cut my hair since the last time, on Dec 18, 2007.

Tomorrow night hopefully daddy will take me out to experience my first Vesak (วันวิสาขบูชา) Day, or known as Buddha's Birthday, procession.

Lunch : Fried Penne with Minced Pork, Carrot, Cabbage and Spinach
Dinner : Fried Penne with Minced Pork, Carroe, Cabbage and Spinach

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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