After I woke up for milk this morning, I refuses to sleep again so daddy had to wake up as well since I was making too much noise. Then just after lunch, daddy started to help mommy packing my stuff for swim. Initially daddy wanted grandpa and granny to come along since grandpa wanted to get a device from Low Yat but did not want to follow us to the club. We arrived at the club 15mins past 1500hrs and daddy was afraid that the court might be released for someone else. Uncle Darren was already waiting for us since daddy had to picked up Uncle Bastian.
After badminton, mommy took me swimming without daddy since daddy was chatting with Uncle Bastian and Uncle Darren at the poolside cafe. Mommy thought of going shopping after swimming but daddy had to drive Uncle Bastian home instead.
Daddy will try to take mommy tomorrow to the Road Transportation Department to get her Malaysian driving license.
Some photos taken today
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