Monday, 24 September 2007

A Day In Bangkok

It was a crazy day when daddy refuse to give up looking for the T-Shirt printer which he got it from a friend of his. We all had to walk had to walk with him the whole afternoon only giving up after finished walking all the floors in MBK. After that mommy was saying it was time to go to Paragon to meet up with Auntie Yam, Auntie Ta, Uncle K and Auntie Tad. I got more gifts today which I will take the photos when I get back home tomorrow.

Daddy also had a slight food poisoning just before dinner only feeling better after vomiting. It must have been the Tub Tim Krob in Black Canyon Cafe in MBK. Daddy finally manage to find the T-Shirt in Suan Luum Night Bazaar.

Today is my final day in Bangkok and I will be leaving tomorrow early morning to the airport for a flight back at 1000hrs. I am not sure if the Air Asia in Bangkok would be similar to LCCT in KLIA which do not have special privilege for infants. Will see what happens.

Some photos taken today,

Click here for slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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