Saturday 26 April 2008

Baby Jay Ren's Fullmoon

This morning I woke up very early in the morning again for feed. After that mommy could not sleep again. Today daddy wanted to meet up with Uncle Calvin in Mid Valley to look at some backpacks since Uncle Calvin wanted to get one for the trip to South America, unfortunately, Uncle Calvin could not make it to Mid Valley.

Anyway, after my afternoon nap daddy drove to Mid Valley to change some money and get a gift box for Jay Ren's present which mommy already bought for him. We arrived in Jay Ren's party around 1900hrs. I did not even manage to meet up with him as Toon was feeding me by the poolside since it was too hot to seat inside the hall, but daddy manage to film Jay Ren when he came into the hall for a while. Hope to see him in daddy's next gathering.

We left around 2030hrs since daddy had to meet up with his the owner of Hopefully tomorrow mommy and daddy will take me swimming since it has been weeks since my last dip.

No photos were taken today

Today's Movie -

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