Tuesday, 15 April 2008

A Visit To The Doctor

I am not sure what happen early this morning when I started crying around 0300hrs for 2 hours until mommy make milk for me. Mommy think it could have been the mosquito bite I got and I was not able to scratch it.

Mommy today also thought me how to open my plastic drawer and I could start opening it on my own when I get on the floor from the bed. Hope mommy is not going to tie up the drawers if not it will be boring getting on the floor.

In the afternoon, mommy took me over to Auntie Jin house for "Som Tum (ส้มตำ)" party again and I had a great time paying with Ser Kai.

Daddy got back early today since he left earlier this morning to collect the passports with the chinese visas. Daddy drove me to visit Dr. Khoo at Britannia Women and Children Specialist Centre since he did not want to give me the injection last week, as I was there a week too early. Today I got two injection,
1) Prevenar
2) MMR Vaccine (Measles, Mumps and Rubella)

And my growth are,
1) Weight - 8.96kg
2) Lenght - 77.5cm
3) HC - 44.5cm
click here to compare with my previous visit. Next visit May 15th.

Today I also starting to change my milk to Gain Plus Advance Eye Q (Step 3) which mommy bought it in Tesco for RM79.99 after Doctor Khoo gave me some samples, which will come handy next week on my first trip to Macau and China.

Video of me watching Barnie and feeding myself,

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the video clip watch. It's good to see you growing well each day. How have you been today, baby. Have a nice day from auntie sapphire.