Friday, 11 April 2008

A Day To 1 Year Old

It has been a good 366 days since I was born a year ago. When I was born I was only 3.25kg and 46.5cm but now I am more than 9kg and around 77cm (since the last measurements a few months ago). Anyway tomorrow I will be celebrating my first birthday. Nothing much has been planned for me but a simple dinner with daddy, mommy, grandpa and granny, maybe Auntie Cyn Cyn and Auntie Yvonne will be coming along. Unfortunately, Auntie Aey had to go back to today because of Songkran tomorrow and she had to return to Bangkok to arrange for the study loan.

Today mommy try teaching me how to blow my first candle. I could blow but could not blow of the fire on the candle. Will see what happen tomorrow when I blow the candle if I manage to put out the fire or not.

Auntie Aey took the bus tonight back to Hat Yai with her friend who is studying here in HELP College. After sending Auntie Aey to the bus station, daddy and mommy went to meet up with Auntie Angie in Petaling Jaya only finding out that Auntie Angie has Thai blood in her as well, but I was sleeping at home.

A video of me watching Barnie.

Some photos taken today

Click here for more photos in slideshow.

Today's Movie -

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