Sunday, 6 April 2008

Back Home!

This morning daddy left home around 0900hrs for Qing Ming round, daddy visited the graves of daddy's

1) Great Grandfather - Chow Kai
2) Great Grandmother (1) - Kong Hm Mui
3) Great Grandmother (2) - Chan Soon Ngoi
4) Grandfather - Chow Sek Woo
5) Grandmother (1) - Lee Sau Seong
6) Uncle - Chow Hon Leong

Which took almost 3 hours to finish all the 5 graves. Initially daddy wanted to bring me along but decided not to this morning because since I was still sleeping because I cried almost the whole night.

Daddy arrived back home around 1300hrs to picked up mommy and Auntie Aey for lunch at daddy's favourite curry noodle shop in Ipoh Old Town and after lunch to mommy's favourite cafe, Chit-Chat Cafe at Greentown. We left Ipoh around 1500hrs and arrived in Mid Valley around 1730hrs since daddy was going to get the new video camera, Panasonic HDC-SD9, at Harvey Norman for only RM2650.00 with a free tripod and 4G SD card (non-HC). I hope I will be able to put up more videos on my page now.

No photo were taken today

Today's Movie -

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